Company History

Company Disclaimer

Logistics Code is a Christian based company where technology is embedded. We primarily focus on the manufacture and freight shipment of products for seven mainstream industries.


The company was established at the peak of the COVID-19 epidemic. Our first and only product were hand made masks. After the grace given towards our vision, company owners then went back into the think tank to surface the company around seven major industries of the world. These are now separate stores, in which have a variety of local products, services, and GREATER!

Mission & Vision Statement

Logistics Code has a mission statement to demonstrate qualities of Christ through every service.

Our vision: A Christian based company where technology is embedded.


Logistics Code has a double hierarchy of components and employees that are deeply respected. In such case, we agree that the customer is never right in the event of:

  • Conflict

  • Breach of Contract

  • Finacial disagreement on product or pricing

  • Labor/ time

    In addition to any disagreement between company policies and educational matters.